Rock’n Roll Spirit on Air

2010-10-11 21:55:33

Daca te simti partas in fluxul spiritual mondial numit Rock’n Roll si crezi ca poti participa la proiectul ‘ACADEAUA - cea mai dulce emisiune din lume’ - care se va difuza incepind cu data de 31 octombrie 2010, ora 23:00 (prime time)  timp de 20 de saptamini pe TVR2, da-mi de stire si contacteaza-ma…
Pornesc o emisiune despre muzica organica, despre demnitate, despre generatiile care vin din urma si despre noi insine… generatia definita de spiritul Rock’n Roll !!!
Caut sponsori, parteneri, finantatori… Sumele sunt banal de mici - iar oferta mea media este decenta si onesta.
E rindul nostru - celor potenti si stabili, sa pavam drumul celor ce vin din urma… asa cum ne-ar fi placut si noua sa avem parte de asta de la inaintasi… Noi avem sansa asta, inaintasii nu au avut-o…
Vino cu mine in proiectul ‘ACADEUA’ ! Da vorba mai departe…
Iti multumesc anticipat pentru sustinere si buna credinta.
Gind bun,
AG Weinberger

Dear all,
I will start a TV program on the TVR2 national channel on each Sunday night at 23:00 for 20 weeks starting from October 31.
It is about organic and good music, it’s about honesty and dignity, it’s about the next generation, it’s about ourselves, it’s about the Rock’n Roll Spirit. I’m seeking fundings and sponsorships for this program - I’m able to offer a decent marketing/media plan in return.
The budget I need for the show is ridiculously small.  If you feel you are related to the Rock’n Roll Spirit or perhaps you are one of us and you’d like to jump on board in our quest in ‘the enlightening business’ please contact me.
Thanks in advance for your support and good will. Please put the word out for this…
Best thoughts,
AG Weinberger
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